Facoltà di Economia "G. Fuà" - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Operation and Project Management (2nd mod.)
Daniela Sani

Seat Fac. Economia - Sede di Ancona
A.A. A.A. 2015-2016
Credits 6
Hours 44
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG

Development of the course

Lectures format using web contents, video and other visual aids. It will be supported by several practical examples and test helping applications of concepts delivered in lectures.  Lecture attendance is highly recommended if not a requirement. The proposed real cases will focus mainly on examples of Project management of European projects.


Learning outcomes

1. Knowledge and Understanding
Whatever you do you face management challenges every day.
Project management helps  you to meet goals on time and budget, optimizing all the available resources given the constraints. Project management is a comprehensive resource of several modules that allows students to build the skills necessary for setting up and manage specific tasks.

2. Applying knowledge and  understanding
The module provides project management abilities applied in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multi-disciplinary contexts), including the virtual environment. With this module the participant will be able to handle basic  project management skills and  have  access to the international Project Management certification (http://www.pmi.org/).

3. Judgement, focus  and  communication skills
The intrinsic nature of the project management module will enable students  to integrate knowledge and handle complexity. It will also  teach them to formulate judgments with incomplete data when operating the different stages of a project management (i.e. define, organize, plan, operate, track and report).



Project management is a comprehensive resource of several modules that allows students to build the skills needed to succeed in setting up and managing specific project tasks. The methodologies can be implemented in both simple and complex project environments.
The course teaches students how to focus on all the major items proposed by the consolidated project management business schools (https://hbr.org/harvardmanagementor/) and institutes (http://www.pmi.org/), such as :
• define and organize the project;
• plan and operate the project;
• track and report the project
Other specific content provided are the following: the ability to break major objectives into manageable tasks, create a schedule that keeps all the moving parts under control, monitor progress toward the goals, manage stakeholders' expectations, control the risks and make a risk analysis, wrap up your project and gauge its success.
1. Exercises
In class exercises are planned in order to practice and familiarize students with the theoretical contents. They will also provide the skills for  easily passing  the formal assessment.


Development of the examination

1. Exam.

2. Assessment criteria.
The course grade is based on:
• a multiple-choice text,   (60% of the grade)
• a written text (simulation) on a real case  (40% of the grade)
A pro-active interaction during the class operations will also be evaluated in order to proff an outstanding performance

3. Grading scale
Pass  grades: from 18 to 30. Cum laude can be bestowed on outstanding performance
The final grade of Operation and Project Management will be an average of the two modules

4. Grading method
The grading will be based according to the following criteria:
• the multiple-choice text will be based on the correctness of the answers (100%  correct answers equals a grade of  100% )
• the written text will be carried out in team. The quality and  compliance with the expected methodologies will be evaluated. The execution time and organization of the team will also be evaluated . A single  grade will be formulated for the entire team.
The final grade will be the average of the 2 grades


Recommended reading

All class materials will be available for purchase on-line; guidelines for the text will be available on the online e-learning platform of the Faculty of Economics.


  • L.M. - International Economics and Commerce curriculum Business Organization and Strategy

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427