Facoltà di Economia "G. Fuà" - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Organizational Behavior and Leadership
John R. Schermerhorn

Seat Fac. Economia - Sede di Ancona
A.A. A.A. 2015-2016
Credits 6
Hours 44
Period 2^ semestre
Language ENG

Development of the course

Special use of case studies, projects, and active learning activities engage students in thoughtful analysis, personal reflection, and informed discussion of human behavior and social dynamics in work organizations, with a special focus on strategic leadership and social value creation.

Learning outcomes

1. Knowledge and Understanding
The course focuses on individual and team behavior in complex organizations, and on their implications for strategic leadership and personal career development.
2. Applying knowledge and  understanding
To become more aware of the challenges of strategic leadership in the new workplace and how to master these challenges in a setting of cultural diversity, a competitive global economy, and societal expectations for ethical and socially responsible behaviour.
3. Judgement, focus  and  communication skills
The focus is on leaders building organizational performance capacity through an understanding of human behaviour in organizations.


This graduate course examines the challenges and opportunities of strategically leading organizations to compete and prosper in our dynamic global business environment. The focus is on building organizational performance capacity through an understanding of human behavior in organizations. Special emphasis is given to applying organizational behavior and leadership concepts for personal growth and career development as well as team and organizational leadership success in a context of rich cultural diversity, a demanding global economy, and pressures for ethics and social responsibility.

Major topics include:
• Individual behavior and performance
• Teams and teamwork
• Power and influence
• Self management
• Leadership
• Strategy and stakeholders
• Strategic leadership and change
• Ethics and strategic leadership
• Corporate governance
• Board / top management dynamics

Development of the examination

1. Exam.
Quizzes, major test and final examination, plus multiple team projects.

2. Assessment criteria.
 A passing grade or better is earned by completing all requirements and by showing active intellectual involvement in the course. Lack of active intellectual involvement - demonstrated by coming to class with readings completed and making positive contributions to class discussions - may result in a grade reduction as indicated below (***).

Remember, this course is conducted with high expectations for quality of individual and team contributions. All assignments must be completed in professional style and be consistent with expectations of the professional workplace.

3. Grading scale
Positive grades from 18 to 30. Cum laude can be bestowed  to outstanding performance

4. Grading method
Individual grades are earned and computed on the basis of the tests, the team projects and class attendance and behavior at instructor’s discretion

• 30% Team
• 70% Tests and Final Examination
• *** Grade reductions at instructor’s discretion

Recommended reading

Readings as described in the Session Reading List are available for purchase through Harvard Business Online and by class distribution.

  • L.M. - International Economics and Commerce curriculum Business Organization and Strategy

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427