Facoltà di Economia "G. Fuà" - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Economia dello sviluppo (1° modulo) (in lingua inglese)
Massimo Tamberi

Seat Fac. Economia - Sede di Ancona
A.A. A.A. 2016-2017
Credits 6
Hours 44
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG

Development of the course

The course will be held through:
- lectures of theoretical and practical content
- reading and discussion of advanced scientific articles
- individual meetings in the prof. office hours
- presentation of 2 reports (1 written, 1 oral), on theoretical and practical cases. Reports will be evaluated for the final assessment.



Learning outcomes

1.    Knowledge and Understanding
The course will provide a basis for critically analysing, developing and applying ideas about the issues of the course itself
2.    Applying knowledge and  understanding 
The course aims at providing both theoretical and practical capacities, and problem solving abilities, also in unfamiliar environments, through the reference to theoretical issues and with the use of statistical, econometric and informatics tools.
3..   Judgement, focus  and  communication skills
The course will foster ability to integrate knowledge and information from different sources, handling complex context, and to formulate critical judgments.




The recent processes of economic growth in much of Asia, the continuing difficulties of the African continent, not to speak of the enduring problems of the  Italian economic growth, make it more timely than ever the theme of the causes of economic growth: the course provides the basics for understanding and analyzing the causes of this process.
Analytical and empirical tools for the analysis of economic growth will be provided and discussed. Some hours will be held in the computer lab, in order to develop a practical use of the concepts and tools analyzed in class.
The program will be divided into the following broad topics:
- Historical overview
- Accumulation of factors of production and economic growth
- Productivity measurement and comparisons between countries
- The role of technical progress
- Economic growth and globalization
- The role of institutional factors: governments and cultures

Exercises in classroom
Exercises and assistance for data analysis will be provided in classroom and in lab (for an example of the exercises see prof. web page and the textbook)

Development of the examination

1.    Exam
The exam is written; exam results will be individually discussed. 
2.    Assesment
In the written exam students will be asked to demonstrate a solid understanding of the key issues; they will also have to prove proficiency in the practical use of their knowledge (reading and comment of empirical issues)
3.    Grading scale
Positive grades: from 18 to 30. Cum laude can be bestowed  to outstanding performance
4.    Grading method
The written exam  consists of 4 questions, divided in two sections: 2 exercises and 2 qualitative questions (also tables or figures to be commented). Each question has a max of 9 points and the final score is the sum for all questions. A final score equal or higher than 31 is “30 e lode”.
Students who have not attended the lectures will answer to all questions.
Students who attended the lectures (and have the reports): 50% of the final score derives from the written exam ( they will choose 2 questions, 1 from the “exercise” section, on from the remaining section); 50% from the reports (taken together: 18 max points).


Recommended reading

D. WEIL (2007), Crescita Economica – Problemi, dati e metodi di analisi , HOEPLI 
Eventuale materiale aggiuntivo suggerito a lezione

  • L.T. - Economia e Commercio n.o. Sede Ancona

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427