Facoltà di Economia "G. Fuà" - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Dynamics of populations
Barbara Zagaglia

Seat Fac. Economia - Sede di Ancona
A.A. A.A. 2016-2017
Credits 6
Hours 44
Period 2^ semestre
Language ENG


Basic knowledge in statistics and mathematics is required.
The knowledge of the contents of a basic course of demography is suggested.




Development of the course

Lectures will be both theoretical and practical in contents.

Learning outcomes

1.    Knowledge and Understanding
Being provided with methodological and interpretative tools for the comprehension of the evolution of populations.
2.    Applying knowledge and  understanding 
Being able of explaining demographic processes and population trends over time.
Being able of comparing different demographic settings.
3.    Judgement, focus  and  communication skills
Students will improve expertise, judgement and communication skills on population dynamics. The aim will be obtained by examples, classroom discussions, and a final assignment.



Course Content
1.    Program.
Part I. Theoretical issues
·    Introduction: The elements of the demographic system and the measurement of demographic behaviours.
·    Population growth models.
·    Stable and Stationary populations.
Part II. Historical and contemporary demographic regimes
·    Overview of the evolution of human population.
·    The demography of the “Ancient Régime”.
·    Modern demographic changes: Empirical paths and major explicative theories.
Part III. The future of populations
·    Theoretical considerations on potential population trends.
·    Population projections and forecasts: Methods and applications (outlines)



Development of the examination

1.    Exam. 
Written examination.
2.    Assessment criteria.
It is to demonstrate a solid knowledge of methodological and interpretative tools. Furthermore, to be able to apply them in the appropriate contexts must be demonstrated.
3.    Grading scale 
Positive grades: from 18 to 30. Cum laude can be bestowed to outstanding performance.
4.    Grading method 
Questions are required to be answered in one hour. All the questions must be positively answered. The sum of the points obtained for each answer forms the final grade.


Recommended reading

Caselli G., Vallin J., “Demography: Analysis and Synthesis”, Elsevier, 2006. Vol. 1, Chapter 6.
Chesnais, J.C.; “The demographic transition”, Clarendon Press Oxford, 1992. Selected chapters and paragraphs.
Hinde A., “Demographic methods”, Arnold, London, 1998. Chapters 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 13 and 16.
Liu T., Lee J., Reher D.S., Saito O., & Feng W. (Eds.), Asian population history, Oxford University Press, New York, 2001. Chapter 2.
Livi Bacci M., “A concise history of world population”, Blackell Publishing, Fifth Edition, 2012. Chapters 3, 4, and 5.
Zagaglia B. Lecture Notes, Unpublished materials.


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Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
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