Facoltà di Economia "G. Fuà" - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Intercultural relations
Renato Novelli

Seat Fac. Economia - Sede di Ancona
A.A. A.A. 2016-2017
Credits 6
Hours 44
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG

Learning outcomes

1. Knowledge and understanding.
After completing the course, students will be able to understand the general themes of anthropology, sociology and comparative history of cultures, with particular reference to Europe and Asia. Also gain analytical skills in relation to religion and modernization in South East Asia, China and development cultures

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding.
At the end of the course students will be able to use some basic tools of analysis useful for understanding the phenomena tourist and local development. That through the examination of some cases of development studies and post-colonial critique of history of colonial studies

3. Soft skills.
practical applications, comparisons and discussions, which will take place during the course will enable students to enhance their autonomy, and their skills in terms of communication, learning and critical approach.


1. Key words: Culture, Cultural Anthropology, studies on primitive societies, Counterculture, Subculture Culture as complexity,    colonial studies,  Post colonial studies, Development studies, The Weber Thesis in Asia (Alatas) Religion and modernization in South East Asia, China and development culture
2. From colonial administration to development studies. Post colonial critique of history of colonial studies
3. Prologomenon of development studies, the era of positive orthodoxy and the promise of development studies. Post development theory, the reinvention of development. The decline of development or its reinvention
4. Pro – poor development projects, Marxian modes of production analysis and the role of a potential development state.   External hands and neo liberism
5. Development as new, ancient and postmodern concept
6. Gender and development: The birth of gender, integrating gender into development analysis and planning,
7. Development studies, nature and natural resources. Colonial administration and the management of nature. The crisis of modernization and the rise of populist environmentalism, incorporated environmentalism and political ecology
8. Individuals, organizations and public action: trajectories of non governmental organizations in development studies. Problems of NGO research in development studies.

Development of the examination

Learning assessment.

The exam consists of an oral exam

Criteria for assessment of learning.
In the oral examination students must demonstrate that they have purchase a solid understanding of the key issues and sociological dimensions that affect the tourism phenomenon. They will also have to demonstrate that they understand how to use the following main analysis tools: reflective observation, the concept of local development, procedural reading social phenomena involved in the sociology of tourism.

2. Criteria for measuring learning.
The vote will be out of thirty. The student will surpass the exam if will get at least 18. It is expected to be awarded the highest marks with honors (30 cum laude).

3. Criteria for the award of the final grade.
Students will respond to five oral questions and each question will be awarded a mark of not more than 6. Students will demonstrate critical and analytical and thorough understanding of the theoretical and practical content of the course will get  30 cum laude.

Recommended reading

Saranno comunicati all'inizo delle lezioni.

  • L.M. - International Economics and Commerce curriculum International Economics and Business

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427